Sinkbeard, The Pirate Who Couldn't Swim
March 2016 | Personal Work
Created for my storytelling card game, Plot Twist, Sinkbeard is a pirate, known for his inability to swim. His parrot companion, Snorks, is always there to remind him that he can't swim. It's a hard pirate life!
Triple Self Portrait
August 2015 | Personal Work
Everyone's done their version of this self-portrait, though I thought it was my turn!
First Date Tryptic
December 2013 | Freelance Work
I was commissioned to illustrate three pictures showing two friends of mine on their first date for a Christmas gift. This art includes super-detailed backgrounds with New York City landmarks and a few other cameos and easter eggs.
Random Picture of Wobbuffet
February 2010 | Personal Work
Here's a random picture of my favorite Pokémon, Wobbuffet. No additional comment.