You - A Capella Cover

2005 | Personal Project

A Capella Cover of You by Andrew Huang (of Songs To Wear Pants To).

Cabinet of Taco Sauce - Original Song

2004 | Personal Project

The title track to an album of sound loop songs I created my senior year of high school. This is a multitrack song featuring several sets of myself singing.

Cabinet of Taco Sauce - Album

2004 - 2005 | Personal Project

During my senior year at Absegami I used Garageband to put together 22 songs while in between projects in my Desktop Publishing and Animation classes, held in the same computer lab. At the end of the year in Desktop Publishing, we were given the assignment of an album cover. So, I designed the artwork, wrote an a capella intro song and released the album. Below is the artwork of, and a link to, the entire album, available to listen to (and download) on Soundcloud. Enjoy how young I am and how terrible my haircut is!